
General features

amphibians (Amphibia) are animals that have two distinct phases of life, living in water, similarly to fish, and after suffering a real metamorphosis in the anatomy and physiology of your body, They start to live out of water. They are thus classified:

Wire: Chordata (possesses notochord);
Sub wire: Vertebrata (vertebras);
Group: Gnatostomata (jaw);
Super class: Tetrapoda (four paws);
Class: Amphibia
Super order: Salientia (slow);
Order: Anura (tailless);
Family: various (eighteen in Brazil)

Frogs have economic importance because they have meat very appreciated by man, besides being historically employed in biological research, pharmaceutical and medicinal as guinea pigs. In Brazil, there are several species of large frogs, belonging to family Leptodactylidae frog butter, pepper frog, old, etc.).

To learn more about Rana catesbeiana:

Family: Ranidae;
Genre: Rana;
Species: catesbeiana;
Common name: bullfrog.

The species of the family Ranidae (including the bullfrog), They differ from species of the family Leptodactylidae (fingers ending in tip) by having webbed fingers between, (type's foot duck). Rana catesbeiana is originally from América do Norte, but it was introduced in Brazil by entrepreneurs who saw this kind large commercial potential for the nutritional qualities and delicate flavor of their meat.

In addition to exotic, nutritious and tasty, Frog meat has unparalleled medicinal properties that turned into a real therapeutic arsenal that needs to be widespread among consumers.
1) Frog meat has all the essential amino acids for humans. The man does not synthesize 10 amino acids and need to consume them to live. Frog meat has these amino acids and is ideal for athletes who need to gain and maintain weight. Being a high biological value protein, It is excellent for recovery of patients by decreasing the period of convalescence, it increases the resistance body.
2) It does not have intercellular fat. The whole frog fat is located just in the abdomen, different from mammals where fat is also the location of the cells. Like this, Frog meat has very low levels of cholesterol and, compared with the beef has 20 times less fat.
3) It has high digestibility (but of 97%). Come up less and more feeds.
4) Does not cause allergies. Suitable for people with food allergy problems.
5) A major advantage of frog meat is its nutritional value. Each 100 grams of meat have 69 calories and 0,45% of fat. That is why, It is increasingly sought after by fans of healthy living. – Many doctors are indicating the frog meat to fight food intolerance.